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How to request Customer Service?

관리자 2021-03-29 10:50:49 Views 1,572

P&M supplying customer service center for fastest response of quality problem, damage, faulty occurred when it operating.

With the basis princilpe of prompt response to every customer, we accept those problems as online phone call or Q&A board of this website.

According to the special charactor of pneumatic actuator, the lifetime of item could be dramatically different depend on the envrionment of usage.

To verifying the cause of present problems, if you could sumbit any photo or movie clip of items and/or environment of usage, using condition of actuatur will help to solve this problem and vertifying the reason of problems.

Before report problems to service center, please check following factors in advance.

■ Basic check points when actuator not working.

1) Electrical Power and compressed air supply chain working without any problems?

2) Compressed air which supplying in actuator is on normal range? (In general, actuator working in 1.5~7kgf/㎠ pressure range.)

3) Have you checked any leakage on the fitting or air tube which supplying compressed air into actuator?

4) Solenoid valve which controlling supplying compressed air into actuator works in good condition?

   - You can check it by removing air fitting on the actuator and do manual test of solenoid valve whether air tube exposing compressed air or not.

5) Any jam or interfere on the moving parts?

For more details, please contact to us without any hesitation.

E-mail :

Office : 032-822-9183

Fax : 032-822-9182

We will do our best to giving prompt answer as we could.

Moving toward the world with the best technology, P&M Incorporated.